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CenterPoint Fund Accounting and Payroll Software Features

Written specifically for Government Accounting

Unlimited Funds, Departments & Accounts​

Budget vs. Actual Variance Monthly Reporting​

Create customized budgets for each fund including grants, departments or projects. 

Detailed General Ledger & Activity Report​

Track cash receipts, disbursements, journal entries and other types of transactions.

Features that will make
your job easier!
  • Departmental & Custom Reporting​

  • No Monthly or Year-end Closing Procedure Required​

  • Easy Bank Reconciliation​

  • Prepare Annual Report In Just a Few Steps​

  • Drill-down to Original Source Entries

  • Forms Designer allows customization of checks, stubs and invoices

Sample Report Cover - CenterPoint Small.
Click on the guide to download a copy of the "Switching from Basic to Fund Accounting Software" ebook.  

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